Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.
Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business (iGCSE)
1.7.1 The external factors affecting business decisions:
• social
• technological
• environmental
• political.
This lesson includes a PPT and worksheet written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business (iGCSE)
1.6.3 The effect of interest rates on:
• businesses
• consumer spending.
This is a complete lesson with a PPT and a worksheet
Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (iGCSE)
1.6.1 Government spending:
• to provide public service
• taxation and constraints on public spending.
This is a complete lesson with a PPT and a worksheet
Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business (iGCSE)
1.5.4 The impact of exchange rate changes:
• on international competitiveness
• on importers and exporters.
This is a complete lesson with a PPT and a worksheet written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business (iGCSE)
1.6.2 How governments can affect business activity:
• infrastructure provision
• legislation
• trade policy - membership of trading blocs, tariffs.
This is a complete lesson with a PPT and a worksheet
Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business (iGCSE)
1.5.3 Exchange rate calculation.
This is a complete lesson with a PPT and a worksheet
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
This is a PPT and a learning mat
It covers the A1 of the BTEC business level 3 national
Unit 18 creative promotion
A1 The purposes of marketing communcations
Written by Sarah Hilton
For Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business (iGCSE)
1.5.2 The importance and growth of multinationals:
• benefits of a business becoming a multinational
• benefits to a country and/or economy where a
multinational company is located
• possible drawbacks to a country and/or economy
where a multinational is located.
This is a complete lesson with a PPT and a worksheet
Written by Sarah Hilton by Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business 1.2.3 Different forms of business organisation
1.2.3 Different forms of business organisation:
• franchises
• social enterprises
• multinationals.
This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and a student worksheet.
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business 1.4.1 The main factors influencing location decisions
1.4.1 The main factors influencing location decisions and
relocation of a business:
• proximity to market, labour, materials and
• nature of the business activity
• the impact of the internet on location decisions -
e-commerce and/or fixed premises
• legal controls and trade blocs.
This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and a student worksheet.
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business 1.3.1 Primary, secondary and tertiary activities
1.3.1 Primary, secondary and tertiary activities:
• primary sector – extracting raw materials from
the earth
• secondary sector – converting raw materials into
finished or semi-finished goods
• tertiary sector – provision of a wide variety
of services.
This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and a student worksheet.
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business 1.5.1 Globalisation
1.5.1 Globalisation:
• concept of globalisation
• opportunities and threats of globalisation
for businesses.
This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and a student worksheet.
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business 1.1.2 Why business aims and objectives change as busi
1.1.2 Why business aims and objectives change as
businesses evolve:
• in response to market conditions, technology,
performance, legislation, internal reasons.
This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and a student worksheet.
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business 1.2.1 The main types of business ownership
1.2.1 The main types of business ownership:
• sole trader
• partnerships
• limited companies (private and public)
• public corporations.
This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and a student worksheet.
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
Three PDF worksheets with ideas for revision methods for students taking any kind of exam or test.
These can be loaded onto a shared drive so that students can look at the ideas and try them out for themselves
They can be used in lessons, given to groups and they try out all the ideas and vote on the best one
They can be given as homework with students asked to rate the methods out of 5 in terms of their usefulness.
Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Edexcel GCSE Business 2.1.1. Business Growth
Complete lesson with PowerPoint and student worksheet
Covers these topics:
Methods of business growth and their impact:
Internal (organic) growth: new products (innovation, research and development), new markets (through changing the marketing mix or taking advantage of technology and/or expanding overseas)
External (inorganic) growth: merger, takeover
The types of business ownership for growing businesses:
Public limited company (plc)
Sources of finance for growing and established businesses:
Internal sources: retained profit, selling assets
External sources: loan capital, share capital including stock market flotation (public limited companies)
This worksheet is to help students when they are trying to put together a MOPS section on a 20 mark question. The prompts help them to look at the case study and organise their thoughts for the conclusion.
Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This is a logo quiz that will work on a whiteboard or handed out as sheets. Individual or team quiz.
Student friendly
Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This is a simple revision supply and demand worksheet in PDF to use with students so they have two handy sheets to revise from.
Students fill in the sheets with all the supply and demand diagrams
Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson is suitable for students that need extra support with the tricky topic of break-even
It is written for students studying Edexcel A level Business but would also suit students on the Pearson Edexcel A level business course.
This includes a worksheet and a separate answer booklet in Word and PDF format
Written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation